Merino Sheep

Quick facts about Woolpower wool


When moisture gets absorbed, something known as absorption warmth occurs through a chemical heat producing process. Heat energy occurs when water molecules and polar molecular groups of the fibre collide. The collision is so powerful that it creates heat. This process continues until the fibres are saturated with water molecules. So our undergarment provides heat, even when it is damp.


Wool is hydrophobic and can attract water vapour, or rather moisture from the body. Wool can absorb moisture both between its fibres and inside the fibres; leaving the wool next to your skin feeling dry even if it’s moist. Wool fibres can absorb up to 30 per cent of its own weight in moisture without feeling damp.


The micron count, i.e. the thickness of the wool fibre in thousandths of a millimetre is used as a quality criterion. Fine wool is between 17 and 23 microns. When wool is perceived as itchy, it’s because there are coarse fibres in the wool that don’t flatten against the skin, instead they stick straight out. The finer the wool fibres, the softer you experience it. Coarse fibres in excess of 28 microns may feel itchy. Woolpower’s undergarments don’t itch in the slightest.


When the moisture levels inside the garment are higher than outside, the wool works actively to absorb the moisture and transport it through the fabric until the level is equal on both sides. As the moisture is transported to the outside of the garment, the heat insulation increases and you stay dry.